COA-BGFecha de alta
24-08-2007Fecha de actualización
31-01-2008- Descarga la ficha
The Germoplasm Bank of the Botanical Garden of Córdoba is dedicated to the conservation of the Spanish Genetic Patrimony and in special way of the Andalusian one. Expeditions are made to collect seeds of different plants in their natural habitats. The collected material is treated in laboratories. Firstly, it is necessary to clean the material, after it dries up with silica gel and later it is encapsulates in tight recipients. The conservation is carried out in refrigerating cameras at -5ºC the exchange collection and at -15ºC the general collection. The seeds are exchanged free of costs from all over the world with eight hundred institutions through the Catalog of Seeds that is annually published. The Department of Environment (Junta of Andalusia) cofinances this activity from 1988, conferring to this collection the status of Bank of Andalusian Germ-plasm.
Información general
Puntos fuertes
1- Andalusian flora threatened of extinction, 2- Autochtonous culture plants
Restricciones de uso
Only for scientific researches
Restricciones de acceso
Appointment is required
Cobertura taxonómica
Nombres científicos
Liliatae, principalmente Magnoliatae.
Nombres comunes
principalmente Angiospermas, todo(s) plantas vasculares.
Cobertura geoespacial
principalmente Andalucía (España), algunos/as resto de la Península Ibérica.
Localización temporal
Cobertura temporal
todo(s) taxón existente.
Recursos de la colección o base de datos
Tipos de objeto
todo(s) semillas.
Tipos de recurso
algunos/as Preservados.
Métodos de preservación
principalmente congelado y seco, principalmente inactivo, algunos/as secado.
Estado de la documentación
En soporte electrónico / In electonic form
Porcentaje de informatización
¿Incluye material tipo?