NGM_IberBryoRegistration date
24-03-2020Publication date
25-03-2020- Download the sheet
This database contains 1479 occurrences of 78 epiphytic mosses species recorded from the northwest Iberian sector between 1994 and 2013. The main purpose of the study design was to contribute to reduce the knowledge gaps on the distribution of Iberian epiphytic mosses. All the occurrences were obtained by a systematic survey.
Overall information
The main purpose of the database is to contribute to reduce the knowledge gaps on the distribution of Iberian epiphytic mosses.
Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names
Phyllum Bryophyta. Class Bryopsida Order: Bryales, Dicranales, Grimmiales, Hedwigiales, Hypnales, Orthotrichales, Pottiales.
Geospatial coverage
Spanish north inner plateau and Iberian Peninsula central plateau. Duero and Tajo river basins comprising 17 counties (Asturias, Ávila, Burgos, Cáceres, Cuenca, Guadalajara, León, Lugo, Madrid, Orense, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Toledo, Valladolid y Zamora).
Period of study
From 01/01/1994 to 31/12/2013.
Datasets of the collection/database
Types of objects
Non-fossil organisms.
Types of datasets
Field observations.
Nº of copies / records
Nº of species
Percentage of computerization
Percentage of georeferenced registers
Does it include Type specimens?