CRUST-IEOCDRegistration date
18-07-2011Publication date
01-07-2011Update date
15-07-2022- Download the sheet
Marine Crustaceans Collecition (CRUST-IEOCD) arose to house specimens that required taxonomic revision from surveys carried out by the IEO in African waters. Since 2005 specimens began to be collected, with 2011 being the year in which an exhaustive taxonomic review was carried out, from which the collection was officially created. It currently hosted 5,570 copies cataloged and made available to Gbif. These records account for 75% of the total number of specimens currently deposited in this collection. These are mostly specimens from trawling campaigns carried out by the IEO in African waters, Spanish waters of the Gulf of Cadiz or Cantabrian Sea, or in Porcupine Bank (Ireland), and from EsMarEs project. It also houses specimens from the 1950s, donated by the ICMAN-CSIC and the UMA Department of Zoology. The CRUST-IEOCD consists of 2 data sets, the sub-collection of Crustacean Decapod and Stomatopod (CCDE-IEOCD) which includes most of the specimens housed in the CRUST-IEOCD and belonging to the Decapoda and Stomatopoda taxa. The other data set (OCRUST-IEOCD) is recently created, with the aim of expanding the collection to other orders within the crustaceans, such as Amphipoda, Isopoda, Lophogastrida, etc. In addition, it is intended to have a molecular database (DNA barcode) of all the species deposited in the CRUST-IEOCD, as well as the storage of all the voucher specimens used for the codifications. Currently there are 7% coded voucher individuals.
Overall information
The CRUST-IEOCD is a reference collection that houses, among others, rare species, from few studied waters and at depths at which not so much research has been carried out. It is supported by a researchers team who are knowledgeable about the Crustacea taxon, especially the Order Decapoda and Stomatopoda.
How to cite
Colección de Crustáceos Marinos del Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz (CRUST-IEOCD).
Access restrictions
Accessibility of the collection to researchers or on-site staff. Means of access to computerized data through the Internet.
Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names
Subphylum, Order Decapoda, Stomatopoda, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Lophogastrica...
Geospatial coverage
Atlantic and Indian Oceans and Mediterranean Sea.
Collection period
Types of datasets
Non-living preserved organisms (herbaria, animal collections and the like).
Nº of copies / records
Documentation status
Electronic form
Percentage of computerization
Percentage of georeferenced registers
Does it include Type specimens?