
This institution does no longer exist (updated on 02/14/2023).

The Zoo of València is an zoological institution that belongs to the Valencian Patronage of Natural Sciences. This Patronage is an organization without aim of lucre whose Board of Bosses is presided by the President of the Delegation of València, and the vice-presidency falls in the Mayor of the city of València.

Overall information

Cultural, educational and conservationist objectives always with wild animals and their natural habitats, so much of exotical as autochthonal fauna.


1- veterinarial aspects in wild animals. 2- enrichment of maintained in captivity animals.

Access restrictions

Appointment is required

Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names

algunos/as Aves, algunos/as Mammalia, algunos/as Osteichthyes, algunos/as Reptilia.

Common names

algunos/as aves, algunos/as mamíferos, algunos/as peces.

Geospatial coverage

todo(s) mundial.

Temporal location
Temporal coverage

todo(s) taxón existente.

Resources from the collection