• Código
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  • Fecha de actualización
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The Biological Mission of Galicia is a public organism of research belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in the area of the Agrarian Sciences.
This institute carried out a research about the development of new varieties of plants of agricultural interest that hey present a smaller environmental aggression. Particularly, autochthonous plants are investigated due to the great adaptation to the environment that their germ-plasm present. This institute studies varieties of corn, cabbages, leguminous, grasses of meadows and vines

Información general

See description.

Puntos fuertes

1 - To study the genetic diversity of cultivated species, 2 - Selection and improvement of cultivated species.

Restricciones de uso

Those that the agreement establishes.

Restricciones de acceso

There are two material types: 1. Free acces material, 2. Accessible material thanks to agreements with the institution.

Cobertura taxonómica
Nombres científicos

Liliatae, todo(s) Magnoliatae.

Nombres comunes

todo(s) Angiospermas.

Cobertura geoespacial

algunos/as Cordillera Cantábrica, algunos/as Galicia (España).

Localización temporal
Cobertura temporal

todo(s) taxón existente.

Recursos de la colección